Orson Welles Mocking Clap

Director Orson Welles clapping sarcastically

Download Orson Welles Mocking Clap Gif

Description: The gif shows iconic director Orson Welles performing a slow, sarcastic clap. With a sly grin on his face, he slowly brings his palms together, emphasizing the mockery towards someone's incompetence or failure. This meme has become a popular way to express disdain or ridicule for someone's lack of skills or unfavorable outcome. It perfectly captures the essence of Orson Welles' sarcastic demeanor, creating a hilarious and memorable gif. So, whenever you witness incompetence, just unleash the 'Orson Welles Mocking Clap' and let the mockery begin!

Size (bytes) Width (px) Height (px) FPS Frame Count
0 500 386 7.6923076923076925 0