Time's Up, People!

Judge Judy tapping her watch

Download Time's Up, People! Gif

Description: In this gif, Judge Judy, the iconic TV judge, is impatiently tapping her watch, indicating that time is running out and she's eager to move on. Her facial expression and the tapping motion convey a sense of frustration and the need to maintain a swift pace. It's a perfect representation of someone demanding punctuality and expedience. It's often used humorously to convey impatience or to imply that someone is running out of time. So, if you've been wasting time or need someone to hurry up, simply share this gif with the caption 'Time's Up, People!' and let Judge Judy do the talking!

Size (bytes) Width (px) Height (px) FPS Frame Count
0 190 137 29.824561403508774 0