The Naked Gun - Everything Under Control

Leslie Nielsen dismissing chaos

Download The Naked Gun - Everything Under Control Gif

Description: The gif shows Leslie Nielsen, playing the character Frank Drebin in the movie Naked Gun, standing calmly with one hand held out in a stopping motion while chaos ensues around him. He wears a serious expression on his face, confidently implying that he has everything under control. The scene is filled with people running, screaming, and objects falling, but Nielsen remains unruffled and nonchalant, symbolizing that there is nothing to worry about as he dismisses the chaotic situation with ease. It's a perfect depiction of someone being in charge amidst mayhem, reinforcing the idea that all is well and there is nothing significant to witness in the midst of the commotion.

Size (bytes) Width (px) Height (px) FPS Frame Count
0 640 356 30.039525691699605 0